God Trips Without Leaving Home

Sometimes you can take a God Trip without going very far.    “Take a walk.  I have a surprise for you,” said the spiritual prompting after breakfast.  Although I had plenty to do today,  I have learned to listen to those spiritual promptings.

I started the walk going downhill towards the pond.   Sunshine warmed my shoulder as I sat on the bench  having thrown out some fish food on the slightly rippling waters.  A fish jumped on the far side of the pond where the Canadian geese have a nest.  Birds chirped in the pasture.  Purple martins swooped overhead.

Then a neighbor who has not been very friendly in the past drove down the road in her van, and I thought, “Is this my surprise?”  She stopped.  Got out of the van and approached me with a loaf of bread.  “Here’s something to feed the geese,” she said.  I told her how I enjoyed seeing her horse on my last walk in the woods.  “He’s a good ‘watchdog’, ” she said and smiled.

Yes, that was my surprise, and a healing.  And I didn’t have to leave home.

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